To My Daughter


You have always dreamed of the day you would walk your grown child down the aisle to begin her own life in marriage. All the thoughts of raising her run through your mind like a movie, from birth to present. You watch your child playing yesterday and today you are giving her away. That feeling of mixed emotions, you're so proud of her, she tells you that you raised her right, your hands grip firmly as you walk her down the aisle. Everyone is admiring her beauty but you are thinking of the days of patty-cake and mud pies. You can't believe the day has come for you to give her away, why did it go so fast, why couldn't we turn back time so you could (once more) see her smiling little face in the sun? You give her a kiss on the cheek and humbly join her mother, holding back the tears that were caused by beautiful thoughts of yesteryear.

18 To My Daughter

8 1/2" x 11" color, shrink wrapped on sturdy cardboard    S&H $2.00 $ 5.00 ____ ____
19 To My Daughter

11" x 14" color, shrink wrapped on sturdy cardboard    S&H $2.00 $ 7.00 ____ ____

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